The Academic Program Administrative Committee is tasked with helping the university address administrative matters related to new academic program development.
Representative: Melvyn Brown
The Accessible Content Working Group is a cross-campus group of technology accessibility advocates striving to build educational resources and awareness for campus.
Representative: Donohon Abdugafurova
The Committee on Information Technology (CIT) is a committee of faculty, staff, and administration that reports to the Provost and the Information Technology Executive Committee (ITEC) on academic issues relating to information technology at Wake Forest. While primarily an advisory committee, the CIT may be delegated responsibility by ITEC, the Provost and the Executive Vice President to make or approve decisions to fund particular initiatives or to prioritize the use of discretionary funds designated for investment in academic technology.
Representative: Laura Hendley
The Purposes of the committee are to ensure that all online programs and courses offered by Wake Forest are of consistent high quality and rigor; to take advantage of economies of scale where desirable; and to protect the university from risk.
Representative: Melvyn Brown
The Learning Management Systems (LMS) initiative team will convene faculty and staff with primary roles in supporting the LMS to share best practices, discuss LMS support challenges, and identify emerging or unmet needs. The LMS is sponsored by the Committee on Information Technology (CIT) and will report goals and recommendations to it.
Representative: Donohon Abdugafurova
The Online Education Executive Committee (OEEC) guides and advises senior‐level decision‐making related to online and distance education programs across the University. In collaboration with the Vice Provost and Director of Online Education, OEEC recommends online education priorities, policies and strategies to the Provost and Dean’s Council.
Representative: Laura Hendley
The Online Education Committee’s powers and duties:
1. Formulation of criteria for the offering of online and hybrid courses, to be reported to and agreed upon by the faculty of the College before use.
2. Evaluation of the adequacy and appropriateness of a blended/fully online delivery mode in any course proposing to deploy it. Formulation of recommendations on specific courses to be brought to the faculty for approval.
3. Provision of advice to faculty interested in developing blended/fully online courses on best practices and available campus resources.
4. Provision of advice to the faculty and the Dean on relevant legal and ethical matters.
5. Monitoring of SACS requirements for online courses, to ensure compliance.
6. Drafting of relevant materials for adviser training.
7. General oversight of the state and appropriateness of online education in the College.
Representative: Laura Hendley
The SACS Compliance Group discusses any changes (e.g. revised standards) coming from SACS, plans for Decennial Reaffirmation reporting, and other SACS-related topics as needed.
Representatives: Laura Hendley and Melvyn Brown
The Technology Accessibility Committee (TAC) at Wake Forest University is an advisory group acting to advance the accessibility of our campus technology. TAC’s foundational motivation is to have the University’s technological ecosystem continually progressing towards being more accessible to users of campus technology. We acknowledge that technology accessibility is a core component of Wake Forest University’s commitment to non-discrimination, diversity, and inclusion and is of significant impact to individuals with disabilities in our community.
Through collaborative efforts, the Committee seeks to use proactive technology accessibility enhancements to remove barriers for engagement and strengthen the equitable and welcoming nature of our campus, in the spirit of Pro Humanitate. The Committee engages with the Wake Forest community to understand the needs and impacts of accessibility on our many campus members, including students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, and visitors. Areas of consideration include, but are not limited to: teaching and learning, administration, research, community engagement and service, procurement, disability and accessibility awareness, and student life.
The TAC is an initiative team that makes recommendations through the Committee on Information Technology and Information Technology Partner’s Council, and Information Technology Security Advisory Committee, on matters of technology accessibility efforts and enhancements for WFU. TAC membership broadly represents areas and interests across WFU, with faculty, students, and staff contributing as members.
Representative: Laura Hendley